Monday, December 13, 2010


Last week we had our first anniversary bash. I'd like to thank the two wonderful women who assisted with our raw food demo, my mother, and Anne Marie. Thank you for being such wonderful and talented women. I got a little nervous in the beginning but once we got into the demonstration aspect I felt more at ease. I'm still perfecting my elocutionary skills. The turn out was great and everyone seemed excited to try out the simple recipes at home. I hope everyone left empowered in one way or another. Part of what we do here is try to nurture and assist people by showing them the power of nutritional transformation. My goal is to share this information with as many people as possible. Proper health doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. It just requires informative tips and advice and a commitment to simply feel good. So thank you to all who came out, everyone who helped out - Paola you rock! - and KULA. Cheers,


Sunday, November 21, 2010

'may i be Frank'

I came across this wicked video today. It's a documentary called 'may i be Frank'. It's a story about an overweight middle aged man who confronts a lot of his fears and insecurities about his body, mind and soul. It's a very warm, compelling and extremely moving story. It speaks volumes about what we are all capable of doing and achieving. In an interview, Frank said something that's really simple but makes a lot of sense. It was along the lines of 'life is not a destination'. It's occurring all the time. Even when we accomplish our goals it still requires time and dedication to keep them sustained and to evolve and grow. That really hit home for me. I really believe in the saying 'never a teacher, always a student'. So, please check out the link below and be prepared to be moved. Also, just a reminder that our 1 year anniversary is coming up. Check out the poster below and join us in our celebratory festivities.

The 'may i be Frank' link is directly below.

Friday, November 19, 2010

New food pics + 1st year Anniversary Celebration!

Hi y'all!

It's pretty hectic and chaotic these days. I haven't had too much time to put as much love as I would like into this blog. With that said here's a really quick update about what's going on in the next few weeks.
The new menu is starting to come together. So far we've got a new raw burger that's got my favourite fixings - raw 'bacon', guacamole, salsa and raw 'ketchup'. A new personal pan pizza with some delicious cashew 'chevre' cheese. A king oyster and lobster mushroom ceviche. Raw beet and cashew 'chevre' salad. The item i'm most excited for is the southwestern wrapper! I'm still working out the kinks. But, it's a huge raw wrap that's bursting with raw nut chili, greens, avo's, sour cream and a delicious tangy southwestern sauce! So good! I've got a pic of a quickly plated ceviche and pizza that i'll be posting along with this entry.
Also, we're quickly approaching our 1 year anniversary and so is our KULA. There's a big celebration that's going on between Dec 3-5 with free yoga classes, yoga giveaways, raw food snacks and a raw food demo. The demo is going on between 5-6 so come out and enjoy the festivities, your community and your health.

I'll be posting some easy to make raw/cooked recipes in the weeks to come. So please continue to check us out and don't forget to stop by! Now back to tracking down the elusive Sadie Ann regular font! I need it for a catering menu that we're designing. Which, hello, reminds me of another awesome thing going on. We have a special catering menu that'll be going live shortly. I'll post all of that wonderful stuff as soon as it's ready. Until then, peace and cheers!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Community, wha!!!!

Sunday! I don't know what it is about this day, but it has forever been one of rest for me. It's nearly impossible for me to just sit still and do nothing, but dang does it feel good. This, of course, is after having gone to the gym. I believe that one should use their body in some physical capacity on a daily basis, or as often as ones schedule permits.
So, i'm just hanging out, watching 'Lords of Dogtown' when I happened to pick up my laptop to check my facebook. My brother posted a song on my wall which encapsulates a vision of a community garden I have for the residents and businesses of Burlington - or anywhere for that matter. In the video you see a broken down community, come together and interact with each other with such earnest peace and respect while transforming a plot of land into a beautiful garden.
This idea keeps permeating in my mind. For some reason this, and another idea which I'll share with you in awhile, keeps popping up in my mind. It just feels like something that needs to, and will be done in some way shape or form. I've always loved gardening. My brother and I always helped my dad till the soil every new year. So, in a way it's been engrained from an early age. I really believe that a project like this is empowering and transformative in ways that words cannot describe. With that said, please check out this video AND read the ad for the community garden that is waiting to be fructified.

Also, on another note. My first week back has been very productive, interesting, and tiring. I'll post a new update in the new few days about it.!

Plant a seed. Empower a life. Make a difference. This year, help Wild Seed build a community shared garden right here in Burlington.

The benefits of supporting and participating in a community garden are extensive. Community gardens are a valuable social venue where we can all get to know one another, and build a sense of community and belonging.

By working together for a common purpose, community gardeners learn to make communal decisions, solve problems and negotiate with one another.

Collective gardening increases the sense of ownership and stewardship that is inherent in us all, and fosters the development of community identity and spirit.

Leave an environmental legacy. By participating in a community garden we can begin to offset our environmental impact by replacing what we take with fresh oxygen and large quantities of organic waste. All of which can be transformed into healthy fertilizer and be recycled back into the Earth.

Challenge yourself and try something new. Hit the dirt and get those minds and muscles working to build healthy, economical and local sustainable food. Urban agriculture is 3-5 times more productive than traditional farming methods and why not provide yourself, families and friends with nutritionally dense organic foods.

Wild Seed is seeking sincere individuals to help form a planning committee. The committee will over see many of the planning stages necessary for such a project to come to fruition. The committee once established will over look topics such as:

-Choosing a site

-Preparing and Developing the site




-Gardening Organisation

-And more

If any of these positions resonate with you please contact, Peter Niculescu at Wild Seed by way of email:, phone: 905.637.4908, or in person at Wild Seed.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back in action

So the past two months have been, let's say, interesting. As some of you may or may not know I sustained an injury which has put me out of commission for two months. I severed the flexor tendon in my left thumb which led to a couple of operations and substantial rehabilitation.
I tried to come back to work a few days after the first operation, but it was nearly impossible to carry on as usual without the thumb - the 'billy club' cast I had on didn't help much either. I must have aggravated my thumb shortly thereafter because it turned out that the repair had ruptured and I needed to go in for the same procedure.
So, my doctors, therapists and loved ones had decreed that I take six weeks off to heal without any complications. I hung up the apron, put away the knives, and closed up shop not knowing what to expect.
The first few weeks were quite difficult. Besides the physical pain, it was at times an emotional and psychological roller coaster ride. It never occurred to me how important our thumbs - or any part of our body for that matter - are. Truthfully, the thought of not being able to use my thumb spooked me a bit. I use my hands for everything, and in a way I took that for granted. No cooking, no guitar, no drums, no rock climbing, no yoga!? At some point, you have to except what's happened and be grateful for what you do have. It is also just as important to experience discomfort and hardship as it is being the master of ones domain.
Thankfully I was able to catch up on some down time and start seeing to tasks that being in the kitchen kept me from. We developed a new website, and are rolling out several promotions and programs. I'm extremely excited to see how the community garden program works out as well as something I'm calling the 'spiritual dialogue' group - more to come on that.
I intended on this being a quick post. I happen to be at work right now and I've got to get back to preparing food!
Here are some things to lookout for in the next couple of weeks: A new menu which includes raw cheese platters, burgers, salads, desserts, wraps, and other goodies. We'll also be doing hearty warm soups and adding a few more items to the cooked side of our menu. Monthly and weekly challenges, as well as detox and juice fast cleanses. Be sure to check out the menu at and stay tuned for more posts, pictures, recipes and anything else. Take care!!!
